📅 Events Calendar

New Feature: Events Calendar

New Feature: Events Calendar

We have added an Events calendar to the site that will be used to publish all upcoming events, meetings, and important dates which we hope will be handy for those that do not use our Discord or are not fortunate enough to not have an amazing memory!

Accessing the Calendar

You can access the calendar in any of the following ways:

  • Directly accessing the calendar page by going to www.habboswat.org/calendar.
  • Clicking on the link now present inside the header, next to the GMT world clock.
  • Visiting the page by going to News and Events and then Events Calendar.
  • Clicking the link from the footer.

Upcoming Events

The next four upcoming events will display on the homepage, next to our Workers’ of the Month and Social links!

All Calendar Times GMT

All times that are published on the calendar will be in GMT (or UTC), which is SWAT’s operating time zone. You can use the world clock in the header to get a sense of when the event will commence or you can use a time zone converter to convert GMT into your local time zone!

It will take us a little bit to have the team using this regularly, but we are aiming to work on this and have the calendar (and the News sections) used more frequently moving forward so that you can see everything easily in one place on the website!

New Feature: Events Calendar
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